Formula-driven Configuration
When you have a condition-based logic to do something with a record, e.g. apply color-coding for a record card, process it in a certain way, etc. — use a formula-field to give you something (a flag, a JSON, etc.) that you can use right away in place where it is needed. Basically — move the logic into a formula-field and let SF do the heavy lifting, to give you the answer, which you can just take and use where it is needed
For example — apply color-coding for an Opportunity card used in a custom LWC Kanban component, based on a certain condition for Close Date. Instead of hardcoding those colors, or creating CMDT entries, or, God forbid, use Custom Labels for this purpose, and use a bunch of if-else statements inside LWC component, a new formula field Kanban_Configuration__c has been introduced for Opportunity which returns JSON:
/*7 days before closing - yellow, closed day passed - red, rest - green*/
& "\"borderColor\":\"" + IF(CloseDate < TODAY(), '#ffded5', IF(TODAY() + 7 > CloseDate, '#f9e3b6', '#91db8b')) + "\""
& "}"
and then inside LWC just use this config directly:
const config = JSON.parse(this.opportunity?.Kanban_Configuration__c ?? '{}');
Object.assign(this.template.querySelector('.opportunity-card').style, config);
This approach gives us the following benefits:
- administrator has now full support over the configuration w/o need to change the code
- not only the colors from the initial requirements can be adjusted and new colors added, but the whole logic can be easily altered